Avo Expressions
Davidoff is a cigar brand that needs no introduction. Like a Rolex is to watches, or Chanel to handbags, this luxury smoking brand ensures both quality and boundary-pushing creativity at every turn. At any respectable cigar retailer, their display always draws the most attention from true aficionados. His own brand, and also needs no introduction, DJ D-Nice. An American DJ, record producer, and rapper, most notable, recently, was his virtual dance parties during the pandemic were attended by the likes of Michelle Obama, Rihanna, and President Joe Biden. However, he has a long successful history in the music industry. Since the dawn of the Hip Hop era of the 1980s, D-Nice, also known as Derrick T. Jones, has produced famous records, photographed iconic album art, and helped define a genre of music as rich and vibrant as the neighborhoods from which it came. So, when the two combined to produce a cigar called Expressions via Davidoff’s Avo brand, the expectations were incredibly high. The delivery? Exceeded all expectations and was even better than one could imagine. This medium-full bodied cigar is a celebration of creativity across all genres; a coming together of unique minds to accomplish something special. Davidoff’s Chief Marketing Officer Edward Simon said in a press release that the smoke is “a testament to our brand’s philosophy of marrying the art of cigar making with creative flavor profiles.” The secret appears to be barrel aging some of the tobacco, which comes from both the Dominican Republic and the United States. The barrel aged process lends an unmistakable caramel note through the final third of the cigar, which is balanced with sweetness throughout. Also, featuring notes of coffee, buttercream, cedar and nougat, this cigar is perfectly complex. The wrapper utilized for Expressions is Ecuadorian, which helps facilitate the balance between its woodsy and desert like flavors. The result? Smokers are awarded the ideal companion for a time when two hours open up on your schedule, and there’s a clear, sunny day outside. The Expressions collection is available here online at Cigars.com in boxes containing 15 expertly hand rolled cigars each. These boxes denote a limited-edition product and feature intricate design work across the modern yet rustic looking box display. Visually appealing, these premium quality cigars are perfect as a centerpiece in any smoking room and will undoubtedly drive conversation about the stories behind this cigar. The band artwork is equally as attractive and enticing drawing eyes near and far. Those who are curious about Expressions must keep in mind that this product is a limited-edition release. Like many brilliant instances of creativity, they do not last forever and before you know it, they could disappear. Collectors, hobbyists, aficionados, and novices alike should make room in their humidor before it’s too late.
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Strength Medium Full
- Wrapper-Type Ecuador
- Binder Mexico
- Filler Dominican Republic / USA
- Wrapper-Color EMS
- Reviews 0 Reviews