It is all in the name. Boneshaker cigars are not for the faint of heart. It’s been said that upon lighting, palates are greeted with such intensity, you may want to clear your schedule. Skeptical? Just wait until you encounter this latest blend. You will see although the brand is considered modern in the world of cigars, why its portfolio is excelling and features some of the highest selling and top-rated big ring gauge cigars in the industry. The Boneshaker brand is renowned for large ring gauge cigars, their exceptional flavors and value-minded price points. Already a fan favorite, the burgeoning brand sought out the right partners for their latest debut of immense proportions, the prestigious Aganorsa Leaf. It was only right as the brand is notorious for their incredibly large and well-received Lunatic line. The talented team up offers an elite combination of cigar expertise and some of the finest harvests of the most covetable tobaccos in the world for a brilliant, big blend. Unleashed is Boneshaker by L