Camacho Broadleaf Cigars are made for flavor enthusiasts In the quest for one the richest and boldest premium cigars on the market. The blend is composed of a beefy, high octane Honduran Broadleaf wrapper with intensely delicious flavor, paired with top-quality tobaccos from Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Camacho Broadleaf is a flawlessly rolled medium-full bodied smoke that boasts a robust and intensely delicious flavor profile, with rich notes of dark chocolate and espresso, accompanied by a creamy caramel sweetness, and peppery spices. Each cigar is produced by the world famous Davidoff Company and meticulously handcrafted at Camacho’s state-of-the-art factory in Danli, Honduras. Camacho fans, along with anyone else in search of big bold flavors for a very wallet friendly price, simply must add a box of Camacho Broadleaf cigars to their humidor.