Typically, the wrapper is the most expensive tobacco leaf of a cigar and on average, it usually provides about half of a cigar's flavor. Presented here is how CAO FASA demonstrates the importance of the wrapper to the overall flavor of a fine cigar. CAO is known for many popular and fan favorite cigars. From their offerings like the critically acclaimed Flathead series to the World Series blends like the Italia or the Brazilia, their superior cigar craftmanship has been evident throughout their time in the industry. Joining the stellar portfolio is a new line-up carefully curated to satisfy the cigar smoking spectrum, FASA Sol and FASA Noche. Named after the Spanish words for sun (Sol) and night (Noche), CAO offers two contrasting smoking profiles whose only difference is its wrapper. Each cigar salutes the all-encompassing expertise of the country from which it was sourced. The CAO FASA Sol was handmade in Honduras showcasing not only the fine tobaccos produced but the elite cigar craftsmanship that come from the Central American country. The cigar is complex and delivers a full flavored smoking experience. Featured is a four country blend beginning with long-fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua lush below a binder from Cameroon before being cloaked in beautiful Honduran Olancho San Agustin leaf. The blend creates a delightful medium bodied strength that both the seasoned enthusiast and novice can get accustomed to enjoying every day. Tasting notes burgeon with earth, bread and cinnamon which are perfect for pairing with the likes of coffee, bourbon and rum. As the core of these blends start with exactly the same recipe, a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long-fillers bound by a leaf of rustic Cameroon tobacco, the CAO FASA Noche, made at STG Estelí in Nicaragua, features a Connecticut Broadleaf as the wrapper giving the blend a distinct richness and tasting notes of cocoa, dark fruit, and a hint of pepper. Both of the brilliant blends are formatted into two sizes, a 6x50 Toro and a 6x60 Gigante, and are offered in boxes of 24. They are priced to please with the budget conscience cigar smoker in mind. Try them both today at Cigars online.