Cavalier Tres Delincuentes is a three vitola line of premium cigars that consist of the same binder and fillers , but are distinguished by their wrappers. All three cigars start off with Dominican, Honduran ,and Nicaraguan fillers, secured by an Ecuadorian Habano binder. The Connecticut line is rolled with an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, the Habano is wrapped with Cuban-seed tobacco grown in Honduras, and the Maduro is covered in a dark, oily, San Andrés Mexican leaf. Every Cavalier Tres Deliquentes cigar is rolled in a popular 6 x54 Toro size and offers a wealth of uniquely delicious flavors with the Connecticut being mellow-to-medium bodied, whereas the Toro Habano is medium in strength, and the Mexican Maduro is medium-to-full bodied. The real beauty about Cavalier Tres Deliquentes cigars is the fact that there is the perfect flavor and strength profile for just about any style of smoker, all rolled to perfection using some of the worlds finest aged tobaccos. Buy your favorite blend and enjoy a hot new smoke that’s destined for greatness.