A boutique cigar fit for a true connoisseur, CLE Signature cigars are certain to impress your palate with their blend of rare tobaccos. Officially called the CLE Signature THT-EKE 03/17, this delectable cigar shows off the blending skills of CLE Cigars’ master blender Christian Eiroa. Famous for his mastery over Honduran blends, the CLE Signature is among Eiroa’s best. Christian’s father, Julio Eiroa is a legendary tobacco grower in his own right and developed a unique Cameroon-seed tobacco grown on Eiroa’s farms in Honduras. This exceptionally rare Honduran Cameroon wrapper is the signature piece of the CLE Signature, covering a secret blend of aged tobaccos. Flawlessly rolled at the CLE Factory in Honduras, the CLE Signature will coat your palate with an inviting, rich and balanced medium-bodied smoke brimming with notes of cinnamon, leather, toasted bread, earth, and caramel. Perfect for beginner and seasoned aficionados alike, the CLE Signature is certain to deliver a top-shelf smoking experience to savor on the most special of occasions. Add the boutique CLE Signature to your humidor today, order a box of 20 online from Cigars.com!