Cohiba is a storied Cuban Heritage brand beloved by smokers the world over for its pristine construction and luxury class blends with constantly great taste . Cohiba Riviera cigars – the company’s latest release, represents several firsts for the brand. Starting from the top, Riviera is first-ever box-pressed Cohiba! At the core of this decadent blend is a selection of the finest aged Honduran and Nicaraguan long fillers from Condega- the second first for the brand. These rich tobaccos are bunched inside a Honduran broadleaf binder and finished with the brands first ever San Andrés Mexican wrapper. All of these “firsts” amount to one of the richest and tastiest Cohiba ‘s ever made. Light a Riveria and expect to get lost in a rich tapestry of chocolate, spice, leather, and coffee bean flavors , all delivered in a smooth and creamy medium bodied fashion. Order a box of 10 , and allow the volcanic rich soils from Condega Nicaragua ,combined with the hearty and the spicy taste of tobacco from Mexico’s San Andrés Valley, provide a truly unforgettable smoking experience in true Cohiba style.