Unlike the rest of the blends in Cohiba’s top-rated lineup, Cohiba Serie M cigars are made right here in the United States at the famous El Titan de Bronze cigar factory in Miami. This team-up is quite unique since General Cigars, the makers of the Dominican Cohiba brand, is a massive business while El Titan de Bronze is as boutique a cigar factory as they come. Originally released in 2021, Cohiba Serie M is a highly limited blend with a new size made each year. For 2023, Cohiba Serie M is presented in a classic 7x50 Churchill size called Prominente, and it features a fantail cap and closed foot. These top-shelf treats feature a blend of masterfully aged Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan Esteli & Jalapa long fillers deftly bunched inside a hearty Nicaraguan binder.The blend is completed by an absolutely beautiful Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper with a stunning reddish-brown color. Once I get a flame to the closed foot of one of these gems, my palate is completely coated by a balanced and refined medium-bodied tapestry of leather, roasted nuts, white pepper, earth, caramel, baking spices, and creamy cedar.Each puff reveals the passion, artistry, and commitment that Cohiba has to be the best of the best. This is a luxury smoking experience I will not soon forget! Made in exceptionally small quantities, I knew I had to act quickly to get a box of 10 for my humidor. To get Cohiba Serie M cigars for yours, do what I do and order them online right here with Cigars.com.