I have been loving the trend of Connecticut-style cigars that have a modern twist, and Crux Epicure cigars fit the bill perfectly. Marking the first time that Crux Cigars has released a Connecticut-style blend, brand owners Jeff Haugen and Joel Rogers are showing off their skills and dedication to crafting mouthwatering blends. Like all Crux cigars, the Crux Epicure is crafted by hand at the famous Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Nicaragua into a trio of popular sizes. Seamlessly laid overtop an extensively aged core of Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos is a beautiful golden-brown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that glistens with oils when I take a closer look. Once I get a flame to the foot, my palate is flooded with a smooth mellow-bodied yet flavorful smoke loaded with notes of roasted nuts, cream, leather, black pepper, and hints of tobacco sweetness that have me puffing down to the nub. The best part is the flawless construction which provides an effortless and worry-free smoking experience worthy of a permanent spot in my humidor. If you want to enjoy a solid Connecticut blend that brings a unique twist to the classic format, do what I did and order some Crux Epicure cigars for your collection online today from Cigars.com.