Fresh off the rolling table in 2023, Crux Epicure Habano cigars are some of the best cigars I have had yet from this fledgling boutique brand. Marking the third entry into Crux Cigars’ Epicure lineup, the Epicure Habano provides a zesty and rich yet balanced smoke that I would recommend to any aficionado. The blend is available in two sizes, a Robusto and a Toro, both flawlessly made by hand at the famous Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Nicaragua. A Nicaraguan puro of the finest order, Crux Epicure Habano cigars feature a top-quality Nicaraguan Habano Seco wrapper that seamlessly cloaks a finely aged core of Nicaraguan tobaccos. The result is an exceptionally rich and balanced medium-bodied smoke brimming with complex flavors of peppery spices, wood, earth, roasted nuts, cocoa, and tobacco sweetness that is flavorful to please my seasoned palate yet smooth enough for me to recommend to a newbie. Plasencia Cigars S.A.’s excellent construction is the icing on the cake, making for a smoking experience without any fuss or micromanaging the burn. If you want to enjoy a wonderful expression of Nicaraguan tobaccos, order an affordable 5-pack of Crux Epicure Habano cigars for your humidor online today from