Inspired by the history, tradition, and craftsmanship of fine handmade cigars that unite people from all walks of life, Crux Guild cigars have been a favorite of mine since their release in 2015. Crux Cigars was founded in 2014 by Joel Rodgers and Jeff Haugen, successful co-owners of a Minnesota cigar store, to take their talents to the manufacturing side of the cigar world. Like the rest of the deliciously good Crux Cigars portfolio, Crux Guild cigars are handmade at the famous Plasencia Cigars S.A. cigar factory in Nicaragua under the watchful eye of Nestor Plasencia. Crux Guild features a core of perfectly aged Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos all seamlessly dressed in a top-shelf Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Once lit, a rich yet smooth and inviting medium-bodied smoke pours from the cap with every puff, greeting my palate with savory flavors of leather, cocoa, spices, cedar, and a honey-like sweetness on the finish. Perfect for any time of day, I would recommend Crux Guild cigars to any aficionado no matter their experience level. Add some Crux Guild cigars to the collection in your humidor by ordering them online from today.