Curivari Cigars became incredibly popular in the cigar industry when they released their esteemed Buenaventura assortment, and the hits keep coming in the Buenaventura Dimensiones.
Another homerun from the boutique handmade premium cigar maker, the sticks in the Dimensiones line extension are exceptionally wrapped in vintage Corojo wrappers.
These top-quality tobaccos hails from the Jalapa region of Nicaragua and are often considered to be one of the best wrappers produced in the country.
The Corojo leaf found on these succulent BV Dimensiones really shines over the competition with their distinctly modified blend of sweetened flavors. The flavor notes are a perfect complement to the 100% Cuban-seed Nicaraguan fillers found inside.
Exquisitely crafted and with an expert box-press, these satisfying smokes are already in the humidors of aficionados everywhere for their superior draw and rich, savory flavor.
Order a box of Curivari Buenaventura Dimensiones cigars today while shopping online at and consider yourself lucky to enjoy these Cuban-style treats.