Curivari Reserva Limitada 1000 Series cigars are a full-bodied addition to the popular lineup of Curivari boutique smokes. This dark wrapped Nicaraguan puro made with Cuban seed Corojo and Criollo tobacco, is topped off with a stunning clay red wrapper. With rich flavors of nuts, spice, pepper, wood, and coffee, it is a delicious well-rounded smoke that is not to be missed by any fan of medium-to-full bodied cigars. In addition to great taste and top-notch construction, the Curivari Reserva Limitada 1000 Series has been the recipient of many high ratings from industry experts and the cigar smoking community alike. Order a modestly priced box of 10 from Cigars.Com and find out why so many smokers have fallen in love with Curivari Reserva Limitada 1000 Series cigars.