Diesel Disciple cigars are the latest offering from Forged Cigar Company that combines the talents of famed master blender AJ Fernandez and Justin Andrews, Diesel’s Brand Manager. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted at AJ’s factory in Nicaragua using an oily and dark Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper that surrounds an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and a core of aged Nicaraguan long filler tobacco. Andrews and Fernandez set out to create a robust line of Cuban-style cigars made to stand out in the medium- to-full bodied strength category, and with rich, complex flavors of black pepper, chocolate, espresso, and hints of black cherry, along with the many glowing reviews, Diesel Disciple brilliantly accomplished what was promised. Order a box of Diesel Disciple from Cigars.Com now, and get ready to enjoy a consistently great tasting smoke from two of the hottest names in the premium cigar industry.