Joya de Nicaragua’s famous Antano brand has now been on the premium cigar market for over 20 years, and to celebrate that milestone and forge the future they have released Joya de Nicaragua Gran Reserva GT20 cigars. Antano made its claim to fame by being the boldest smoke in the industry and grew to be so popular that there are now four regular production lines bearing the Antano name. These special gems, offered in a single 6x52 toro size, follow the example of the Gran Reserva and are made with Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos that are extensively aged for over five years, longer than the Gran Reserva, all cloaked in a top-shelf Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper leaf. The GT20 provides a bold and powerful, yet exceptionally refined medium-full bodied smoke, carrying a robust spice to my palate amongst a background of coffee, leather, cream, and caramel. If you indulge in only the best and most powerful smokes like me, then a box of these gems will be a welcome addition to your humidor. Order Joya de Nicaragua Gran Reserva GT20 cigars online with today while these special edition smokes are still available!