Nica Rustica Adobe premium cigars capture the essence of Nicaragua so well, that it feels like I am being transported to the heart of Esteli with every puff. These gems, crafted at the famous La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate cigar factory in Esteli into three popular vitolas, showcase the essence of Nicaragua in both look and taste. Packaged in vibrant, artistic boxes that display traditional Nicaraguan homes made of adobe with a backdrop of tobacco leaves, summing to an eye-catching image created by Richard “Dog” Diaz of Subculture Studios. Inside each box are 25 cigars, made with aged Nicaraguan long fillers bunched inside a hearty Brazilian binder and finished with a rustic looking Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Each deliciously good puff carries with it a vibrant and bold medium-full bodied smoke brimming with notes of peppery spice, leather, oak, chocolate, and earth. Get a piece of Nicaragua for your humidor by ordering an affordable box of Nica Rustica Adobe cigars as your favorite vitola online today from