Steve Saka and his popular Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust cigar company are revolutionizing the premium cigar industry with StillWell Star cigars. Collaborating with Jeremy Reeves from the famous pipe tobacco company Cornell & Diehl, Saka and Reeves have come up with four distinct tobacco blends that showcase top-shelf pipe tobaccos in the fillers of each stick. What is consistent between the four blends is that a Mexican San Andres binder and a top-quality Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf that encases the varied fillers, as well as them all being formed in a 6x52 toro vitola by Fabrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua, S.A. Each blend provides their own distinct smoking experience and flavor profiles, and if Saka’s track record is any tell, each unique blend is more than worth the space in my humidor. Available in boxes of 13 that are emblazoned with a shining star logo, sit back, unwind, and puff away at StillWell Star cigars by placing your order online with today.