Espinosa Laranja Reserva Escuro cigars are named after the unique, and stunning orange-hued Brazilian wrapper that surrounds the finest aged binder and long filler tobacco from Nicaragua. This is yet another fantastic creation from master blender Erik Espinosa that is crafted in small batches for the utmost in construction, consistency, and great taste. Unlike the original Laranja Reserva line that was rolled at Espinosa’s La Zona factory, Escuro is expertly hand rolled under the watchful eye of AJ Fernandez at his prestigious factory in Nicaragua. The result is a gem of a premium cigar that provide a unique full-bodied strength profile that leads to rich and delicious flavors of anise, leather, oak, and caramel, all backed by AJ’s signature spice flavors. Sold in artfully designed boxes of 10, Laranja Reserva Escuro is a premium brand that’s certain to delight both Erik Espinosa and AJ Fernandez cigar fans alike.