An evolutionary and storied history anyone would admire, Erik Espinosa's passion and dedication in the dynamic world of cigar making is one to be marveled. Quite legendary, Erik has been heavily involved in almost every plane of the premium cigar industry, gaining a wealth of knowledge in every facet thus propelling his ability to make cigars the community has been raving about since the year 2004. From a short stint working in a warehouse in 1997, this was just his start in the industry before rising to a level where his namesake and brand became synonymous with innovative and high-quality creations. An ingenious Espinosa used his wits working with high profile brands in the industry like Drew Estate, Rocky Patel and Alec Bradley, eventually forming a partnership with Eddie Ortega. The birth of the EO Brand produced a number of well-received cigars including the 601 and Murcielago lines setting off a trajectory of just how high he could reach in the business. A visionary striving for more, Espinosa founded Espinosa Cigars and the La Zona factory in Nicaragua 2012, a move that allowed him to be present in every step of cigar production commencing a new era in the manufacturing of boutique cigars. Fast forward, the cigar titan has produced some of the most celebrated cigars in the industry including the core line Espinosa Habano succeeded by a diverse portfolio featuring the Espinosa Especial (maduro), Espinosa Crema (Connecticut), and the latest edition joining the all-star cast, the Espinosa Sumatra.Wishing to start off the new year of 2024 with a bang, Espinosa proclaims that the new line exemplifies the right choice of cigar filling the opening in the brand's portfolio. Furthermore, the blend is signature to his love of spicy and nutty notes, comfortably finding a home amongst the other outstanding blends in the line-up. Like its previous releases, the cigars are constructed in the company's own boutique minded La Zona factory in Estelí, Nicaragua with the same look and feel, but is the first of its kind as it is the first blend using a Sumatra leaf. Landing at a level directly between the Crema and Habano blends, it’s a total palate pleaser culminating in a medium intensity. Hand rolled, a silky Sumatra wrapper leaf encompasses a core, still undisclosed, of all-Nicaraguan binder and fillers, playing into Espinosa's strengths offering a multi-dimensional flavor experience. Like butter, the delivery of spicy zest and nuttiness is smooth but prominent. Exceptional, the premium cigar operates in the spicy-sweet range enriching the senses in indulgent tones of sweet wood, red pepper flakes, nutmeg and gingersnaps. A three-vitola offering - 5 X 52 robusto, 6 X 54 toro and 6 X 60 gordo, the noteworthy line-up is available in a beautiful wooden box boasting its iconic scripts and logo in a sort of royal purple hue with quantities of 20. Whether an eager and loyal follower or a curious newbie, all will delight in an experience of a unique flavor profile well-suited to light up at any time of the day and for any special occasion. Shop the Espinosa Sumatra online at and other exquisite lines from a master cigar maker whose pursuit of excellence continues to deliver a caliber of luxury cigars that keeps us all coming back for more.
- Origin Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
- Wrapper-Type Ecuador Sumatra
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Wrapper-Color EMS
- Reviews 0 Reviews