Presenting an alluring trifecta of body, flavor, and intensity, with the hot new line of Ferio Tego Summa cigars. Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, the blend is composed of the finest aged tobaccos from three countries. This velvety smoke derives its rich flavors from an Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper with a rich reddish brown color, a Sumatran binder, and long filler tobaccos sourced from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Notes of buttered toast, black pepper, charred oak, vanilla, and dark roast coffee, carry this impressive full bodied blend to a long lasting, creamy smooth finish. Notably, unlike every other Ferio Tego blend that’s an annual offering, Ferio Tego Summa Cigars are a regular production line that you can enjoy any time you please. Buy a box of 10 when shopping online for your favorite smokes, and enjoy a silky smooth and satisfying full bodied experience every time you light one up.