Every smoker, whether new to the premium cigar scene or an experienced stogy connoisseur, can recognize a barber pole wrapped cigar when they see it, because it features both a light and dark wrapper interwoven together to resemble a barber pole. Now for the very first time in their long and illustrious history, the famous H. Upmann brand has released their very first line of barber pole style cigars. Called, H. Upmann 1844 Barbier cigars ( which is the German word for barber) this unique line of premium cigars is covered by a golden-brown Connecticut Shade and a darker EMS Sumatra wrapper, interwoven together to resemble—you guessed it— a barber pole! Under these two-toned wrapper leaves is a binder from Indonesia, surrounding a blend of aged Nicaraguan, Dominican ,and USA broadleaf long filler tobaccos. Together, these contrasting wrapper leaves work in perfect harmony to create a medium bodied smoke with complexity that’s beyond compare. Light this stick and you will soon be greeted by a host of ever revolving flavors that includes earth, chocolate, black pepper, coffee, and spice, with the predominant top note depending on when the flame hits either the light or darker wrapper leaf. Since 1844 the iconic H. Upmann brand has been producing some of the worlds most beloved blends , but this time around they really hit out of the park with the exquisite line of H. Upmann 1844 Barbier cigars. Get your hands on a box from cigars.com, and allow the barber pole wrappers to provide a luxurious smoke that’s nothing short of amazing.