H. Upmann has been providing handmade premium cigars for the eager masses since way back in 1844, and H. Upmann 1844 Classic cigars honor that legacy. As a fan of H. Upmann’s portfolio of smooth and flavorful smokes, these gems hit the spot with a savory medium-bodied balance of coffee, earth, and chocolate flavors with notes of toasted almonds and hints of spice that dance on the palate. They get these delicious flavors from the top-quality Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf that adorns a core of aged Honduran long filler and binder tobaccos, all put together with top-notch construction at the Flor de Copan cigar factory in Honduras by the famous Grupo de Maestros. After getting a chance to sample some of these sticks, I have no doubt I will be getting a box of these gems for my humidor. With four popular sizes to choose from, order a box of H. Upmann 1844 Classic cigars today right here from Cigars.com.