HVC 500th Years Anniversary cigar celebrates the founding of Havana City, Cuba 500 years ago. Skillfully crafted to bring those great pre embargo Cuban cigars back to life, brand owner Reinier Lorenzo utilized the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos from AGANORSA Leaf. This is a Nicaraguan puro that sports an alluring , oily, Corojo maduro wrapper placed over a Jalapa binder, and a filler blend composed of vintage Corojo, Criollo '98, Estelí, and Jalapa tobaccos. Opening the elegant box will allow you to see 15 cigars with flawless construction and evenly colored wrappers. After lighting one these sticks, I was greeted by a medium bodied smoke, coating my palate with exceptionally rich and smooth woodsy flavors of oak and cedar, backed by hints of leather and spice .The overall experience was capped off by a sweet tobacco aroma with plenty of smoke, a sturdy white ash, and a very even burn line with very few touch ups required. Don’t sleep on this celebratory gem from HVC.