Whenever I am in the mood for a cigar made with only the finest grade A tobaccos, I go for HVC Serie A cigars. HVC Cigars is headed by Cuban-born cigar maker Reinier Lorenzo, who founded HVC Cigars in 2011 and named it after his hometown, Havana City. His Cuban influence and approach to cigar blending can be tasted in every puff, and HVC Serie A cigars are brimming with rich Cuban-style flavors. Serie A is made entirely with top-shelf grade A Cuban-seed tobaccos from Aganorsa farms around Nicaragua, finished with a beautiful Nicaraguan Corojo ’99 wrapper. These choice tobaccos combine to deliver an exceptionally rich yet balanced and smooth medium-bodied smoke loaded with complex flavors of roasted nuts, leather, hickory, peppery spices, and a sweet finish that reminds me of cigars from the forbidden island 90 miles south of Florida. Perfect for aficionados of any experience level, HVC Serie A cigars are a must-have for fans of Cuban-style blends. Available in two sizes, each offered in boxes of 10 or affordable packs of 5, I keep my humidor stocked with HVC Serie A cigars by ordering them online at Cigars.com.