The most obvious thing that sets Kristoff Cigars apart from the rest is the packaging; each Kristoff box presents the cigars nestled in a bed of loose tobacco leaves, a Kristoff signature. In addition, most of the cigars are rolled with a pigtail cap and a covered foot, giving Kristoff Cigars a bit of a rustic, old-school appeal that harkens back to those great pre-embargo Cuban treats.
Kristoff first made waves in the market with the introduction of Kristoff Original Criollo and Kristoff Original Maduro. This dynamic duo of blends are both made with a core of Nicaraguan and Dominican Cuban-seed tobaccos coated by an Honduran Criollo or a dusky Brazilian maduro wrapper. Both deliver rich medium-bodied flavors with different nuances depending on the wrapper, and I personally enjoy the chocolatey notes I get from the Original Maduro.
These popular smokes were followed up with a blast of flavor with the Kristoff Ligero Criollo and Kristoff Ligero Maduro. Using leaf similar to the Originals, the blends feature an extra dose of hearty ligero tobaccos from the most nutrient-rich and sun-soaked parts of the tobacco plant. Both blends deliver an incredibly bold full-bodied smoke brimming with rich flavors that cater to the most seasoned of palates.
Kristoff may be well-known for its rich, full-bodied blends like the Pistoff Kristoff and the Kristoff Vengeance, but the Kristoff Connecticut shows off the brand’s softer side. This blend of Dominican Habano long fillers, a Nicaraguan Habano binder, and a top-quality Ecuadorian wrapper provides a smooth mellow-medium bodied yet richly flavorful profile of baking spice, vanilla, nuts, chocolate, and sweet cream. Get a closer look at the Kristoff Connecticut by checking out this cigar review!
There are over a dozen top-quality blends in the Kristoff Cigars portfolio, and I am proud to say I have had most of them in my humidor at one point or another. Explore Kristoff Cigars for yourself by ordering a single cigar or a whole box of 20 online from today!