If I did not know better, I would swear that the Kristoff Habano was an ultra-premium, genuine Cuban cigar line—yep, they are that good! These cigars boast a truly exotic blend that consists of a top-shelf Brazilian Habano wrapper, a Brazil Sumatra binder, and aged long fillers from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Many smokers are under the impression that Cuban cigars are all very strong; this is not necessarily true. In fact, most of the Cubans that I have smoked have actually been quite smooth, just like these delicious Habanos. Once lit, these beauties produce a thick, dense smoke that delivers medium bodied notes of white pepper, sweet spice, toffee, and cedar, capturing the taste of Cuba in each top-quality puff. Their amazing flavor, traditional pigtail cap and top-notch construction, and shockingly affordable price have won these spicy treats a permanent spot in my humidor. Available in three popular sizes in boxes of 20 right here at Cigars.com, order yourself some Kristoff Habano cigars online today and liven your collection with a taste of the forbidden island!