Initially released in 2019, Kristoff Sumatra cigars are still one of my favorite smokes to enjoy when I am hankering for a Sumatra-wrapped cigar. Brand owner Glen Case started the Kristoff brand in 2004 after leaving a successful career in finance. Naming the brand after his son Christopher, Case teamed up with the famous cigar maker Rolando Villamil of the Charles Fairmorn factory in the Dominican Republic.
Like all the cigars in Kristoff’s vast and top-rated portfolio, Kristoff Sumatra cigars are made with the traditional Cuban entubado method, where the fillers are rolled into thin tubes rather than folded to allow for a smooth, easy draw. The cigars are then finished with a classic pigtail cap and a closed foot, giving them an appealing, rustic look.
Following the popular release of its first blends, the Original Criollo and Original Maduro, the Kristoff portfolio quickly expanded and today encompasses over a dozen top-rated blends.
As their name suggests, Kristoff Sumatra cigars are adorned with a Sumatra wrapper. This top-quality wrapper was grown on the cloudy mountains of Ecuador, surrounding a hearty Brazilian-grown binder and finely aged Cuban-seed long fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
There are four sizes to choose from, however I am partial to the Churchill vitola. For hours on end, I enjoy a rich, balanced, and flavorful medium-bodied smoke brimming with notes of cocoa, pepper, roasted nuts, coffee, earth, cedar, and a creamy-sweet finish.
With 20 cigars in each surprisingly affordable box, each presenting the cigars in a bed of loose tobacco, these rustic-looking smokes always have a presence in my humidor. Add Kristoff Sumatra cigars to yours today by ordering a box of 20 in your favorite size online from