La Aurora
While the world has long been enamored with the Cuban cigar, one could argue that the Dominican cigar has been almost as important to the story of modern cigars over the last century. And no Dominican Cigar company has been more important to the landscape than La Aurora, which opened its first factory back in 1903. While you may know them from lines such as Principales, Excepcionales, Reserva Especial 2008, La Aurora 107, and the unique Dominican DNA, or the fact that they still produce a vintage perfecto known as Preferidos, which connects the company to the roots of the craft, the brand has been delighting those who have been lifelong smokers and those who are hoping for a connective experience beyond the modern cigar. La Aurora began at a time when the Dominican Republic was nothing like it was today. Before tourism defined the beautiful Caribbean Island, the founders of La Aurora were growing tobacco in fields mere miles from the factory and transporting the cured leaves by donkey via dirt roads. The approach stuck with the team at La Aurora and they helped create the creamy, woodsy mellow-medium bodied cigars that would go on to sweep a nation looking for a new taste after the Cuban embargo started introducing the world at large to different cigar manufacturers and tobacco types. But the La Aurora brand doesn’t just grow great Dominican tobacco or stick to one flavor profile. For example, the 107 series, named both for the brand’s anniversary and their intent to explore 107 different varietals of tobacco around the world, led to the production of award-winning 90-plus rated cigars utilizing both Nicaraguan and Ecuadorian tobacco. Through the 107 line, La Aurora proved that they could match wits and agricultural chops with any of the globe’s largest factories. Having one foot in the old world and one foot in the modern world is the only way for a cigar company to continue pushing boundaries while ensuring that the core of a cigar—the people, the tobacco, the blends and the rolling—still maintain that undeniably premium feel every time you light up. Shop today and explore the entirety of the La Aurora catalogue, introducing yourself to cigars that are both affordable and of the highest standard, allowing you to find your new daily smoker and a few special occasion cigars for the humidor as well. As always, our price and our experience will be the best you’ll find.
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Strength Mellow- Medium
- Wrapper-Type African Cameroon
- Binder Dominican Republic
- Filler Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
- Wrapper-Color Medium Brown
- Reviews 0 Reviews