Marking the first Nicaraguan puro released in La Aurora’s extensive top-rated portfolio, La Aurora 107 Nicaragua handmade premium cigars will be a welcome addition to the humidors of fellow fans of top-quality Nicaraguan tobacco. A twist on the original 107, these cigars are made with aged Nicaraguan long fillers and binder tobaccos topped of by a delicious top-shelf Nicaraguan wrapper that has an oily sheen. When I got the chance to try one of these sticks, my palate was enchanted by a medium-full bodied smoke as notes of earth, nuts, pepper, coffee beans, and leather awakened my senses with good balance and rich flavor. They are also made with La Aurora’s signature top-notch construction, providing an effortless draw and an even burn that I never needed to touch up. Available in three popular sizes at, order your favorite size of La Aurora 107 Nicaragua cigars today and try out one of the best Nicaraguan puros on the market today.