For the cigar enthusiast, smoking is about more than finding the comfortable taste; it’s about traveling the globe and experiencing a culture through its cultivation of fine tobacco. That’s why the La Aurora 120th Anniversary is one of the most sought-after cigars in our library as it takes the smoker on a tour of the Dominican Republic, which has been home to an integral part of the cigar industry’s story.
The 120th Anniversary signifies more than a century of excellence and this cigar boasts a Habano 92 wrapper, Olor binder from the Cibao Valley and filler tobacco that features Cibao Valley varietals including Olor and Piloto Cubano. The Dominican Puro was, according to Guillermo León, president of La Aurora, “a milestone that will serve as a reference point for many years to come. Our commitment has always been with creating cigars that embody the rich, distinct flavors of the cigar world.”
The process to create this cigar, Leon says, was “…the product of the knowledge, passion, creativity, and desire for excellence found in every single member of the La Aurora family. The blend we have chosen to create is a product of teamwork to a degree we had never accomplished before.”
A wave of caramel sweetness greets smokers upon lighting this delicious cigar, which spends the rest of its smoking life perfectly straddling the line between sweetness and spice. Pepper, wood and freshly baked bread jump from the flame and coat your palate in an irresistible mellow-medium bodied profile that is perfect whenever the mood strikes.
Shop today and shop the 120th Anniversary collection and all of our offerings from the esteemed La Aurora brand. No company captures the essence of the Dominican Republic quite like them, and no Dominican Puro on the market is more deserving of your time.