La Aurora 1985
Because La Aurora cigars have been around since 1903, they have been able to see so many different phases of the business and were often the first Dominican brand to utilize different wrapper, binder and filler combinations, pioneering various tastes long before they became commonplace on the market. Hence, the inspiration for the company’s Time Capsule series, which has four different installations and commemorates different years in which the company first used a certain varietal at the centerpiece of their cigar. The 1985 Maduro is the fourth such iteration of the Time Capsule series and, judging by a slew of 90-plus ratings, may be the company’s most popular to date. The offering features a Brazilian maduro wrapper atop Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan fillers. The other previous offerings in the Time Capsule series were a 1903 Cameroon, a 1987 Connecticut and a 1962 Corojo. Hand rolled at the La Aurora S.A. factory in the Dominican Republic, this espresso brown wrapper gives way to an incredible flavor profile which, despite the budget price tag, has a truly premium heft to it. Oak and fruity sweetness greets the nose during a cold draw and the woodsy flavors continue upon lighting. Joined by a deep and delectable chocolate note, this cigar burns evenly and is complex from start to finish. One would never know the difference between this and some of the highest-end Brazilian maduro wrapped cigars on the market. While rarely utilized as a wrapper centerpiece the Brazilian Maduro is gaining some momentum among modern smokers after initial experimentation began decades ago. That’s why the 1985 is a worthy box purchase. Not only are you inheriting a unique cigar that will age well and be fun to share with friends searching for a different experience, but it will change the way you look at the possibilities for your daily smoker. La Aurora has been the defining word when it comes to Dominican cigars for more than 100 years but, in reality, is a major player when it comes to blending, rolling and crafting tobacco from all over the world. Shop today for an incredible price on this product and treat yourself to unrivaled flavors at an outstanding price. Along the way, enjoy our curated process, which always aims to pair you with the perfect cigar for any occasion.
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Strength Medium Full
- Wrapper-Type Brazil Maduro
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Wrapper-Color Maduro
- Reviews 0 Reviews