Early on, Gomez understood that vertical integration was the key to sustained success in the cigar industry and opened up the La Canela farm in 1997 in the Dominican Republic. It is here that most of La Flor Dominicana’s top-quality tobaccos are grown, however they also source some of the finest aged tobaccos from countries all over the world like Cameroon, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and the United States.
Vertical integration in the cigar industry is more than just farming, though, and La Flor Dominicana’s top-rated brands are all made at the prestigious Tabacalera La Flor SA in the Dominican Republic. Enlisting some of the most highly skilled cigar rollers in the country, the cigars that come out of Tabacalera La Flor are second to none, exemplified by the company’s popular and iconic Chisel vitola that put La Flor Dominicana on the map.
Fine tobaccos and skilled rollers are not much good without talented and innovative blending, and the La Flor Dominicana portfolio is filled with top-quality blends. One of my favorites is the La Flor Dominicana Air Bender, which displays LFD’s rich Dominican tobaccos covered by an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Take a closer look at the La Flor Dominicana Air Bender by checking out this cigar review!
I also have plenty La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet cigars laying around in my humidor. Using high-priming Dominican leaves from LFD’s farms and a perfectly aged Cameroon wrapper, these treats deliver a full-bodied bouquet of roasted coffee, white pepper, toast, earth, and cedar.
And when I am craving a smoke with incredibly bold and rich flavors, I turn to the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero. I can count on their full-bodied flavors of baking spice, coffee, black pepper, wood, and earth to satisfy my seasoned palate. Be sure not to sleep on the rest of the La Flor Dominicana lineup, as you never know which blend might be your new favorite!
Whenever I am running short on LFD Cigars in my humidor, I place an online order at Cigars.com to get them shipped fast right to my door and at the best prices on the web!