La Mission by L'Atelier is an expertly fashioned line of handmade premium cigars produced at the famed My Father Cigar Factory ™ in Estelí, Nicaragua. Inspired by the bold and hearty wines of Bordeaux France, this full blend masterpiece is composed of Nicaraguan binder and long fillers grown on the Garcia family farms throughout the country, covered by a dark and leathery San Andrés Mexican maduro wrapper. Medium bodied, and box-pressed with a pigtail cap on three of its four ring sizes, every puff on L'Atelier coats the palate with rich, luxurious flavors of chocolate, spice, caramel, and salted peanuts. La Mission by L'Atelier received Top 25 honors for 2020 from Cigar Aficionado, with a #4 ranking, and a well-deserved rating of 96, making it a premium cigar that belongs in every serious smoker’s humidor.