Lion Leaf is a line of rough-cut, value priced cigars produced by Altadis U.S.A., in Honduras using carefully selected, premium tobacco leaf grown in the nutrient-rich soils of Central America. The concept behind Lion Leaf , according to Alex Rhyne the brands National Sales Director, was to create the best-quality cigar in the rough-cut category , offered at an unbeatable price. The Lion Leaf lineup includes the Original, Sweet, and Very Berry lines that will appeal to both non-aromatic and flavor infused cigar fans. Each Lion Leaf blend is rolled in a pocket-friendly 4.38 × 14 size and comes packaged in colorful airtight, resealable pouches that preserve the aromas and freshness without the need for a humidor. Order your favorite Lion Leaf blend from and enjoy a small rustic-style smoke with big time flavors and a very affordable price.