The Montecristo brand is famous for their luxury offerings and top-shelf tobaccos, and Montecristo Epic Vintage 12 handmade premium cigars add to that legacy. Crafted by hand at Tabacalera Garcia in the Dominican Republic, these gems are crafted with a top-quality Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper leaf that covers a hearty Nicaraguan binder and vintage Dominican long fillers from an exceptionally good 2012 harvest, all of which have been meticulously aged to bring out the best flavors. The aging tempers the profile to a savory medium body and provides a medley of flavors including notes of oak, nuts, spice, leather, and hints of cream that dance on my palate with every puff. The top-notch construction that is typical of Montecristo effortlessly delivers the good flavors with ease, and the slow, even burn lets me enjoy these treats for hours. Available in two popular sizes and sold in boxes of 10, order Montecristo Epic Vintage 12 cigars for your humidor online today from