Montecristo M
Montecristo Cigars are world-renowned and broadly sought-after whose label is deeply rooted in the cigar business and a recognizable Cuban heritage. Over the years, the brand has evolved, branching out to amass an expansive portfolio of Dominican and Nicaraguan blends that would appease a diverse spectrum of strength and flavor preferences to include a range of mellow, approachable cigars to more full-bodied, robust and full-flavored offerings. Bringing a new dimension to the iconic Montecristo lineup is the Montecristo M Series. It is a limited production line that spotlights the nuanced complexity of an exceptionally aged wrapper. Produced in Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez, the blend features all Nicaraguan tobaccos said to have been “extra-fermented” for the binder and filler. Housing the premium, expertly aged core is an Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf grown by A.S.P. Enterprises. According to Altadis U.S.A., the wrapper has also been extensively aged but in this case for an astonishing 20 years. “We are honored to collaborate with David Perez and A.J. Fernandez on this unique project,” says Rafael Nodal, vice president of product capability at Tabacalera USA, parent company of Altadis U.S.A. “Years of meticulous blending have resulted in a harmonious combination of extra-fermented Nicaraguan tobaccos and the nuanced flavors of the aged Ecuadoran Connecticut wrapper.” With some of the most esteemed cigar masters and rollers in the world at hand, alongside exceptionally aged tobaccos, the prestigious brand was able to craft one masterful, more than memorable blend. Each cigar is decadent in taste with its silky, golden wrapper offering a marvelously smooth aroma as it burns beautifully and slowly. Palates will encounter well rounded and finely aged notes through the medium-bodied profile with a creamy finish indicating to tastebuds that you're smoking one of the world's greatest cigars. Due to the extensive aging required for the wrapper, the Montecristo M is produced in limited quantities. Ten cigars are presented in boxes and available in four size iterations, with the Toro size also being made available in packs of 5. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind experience. Shop today to savor a piece of cigar history.
- Origin Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
- Wrapper-Type Connecticut Shade
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Wrapper-Color EMS
- Reviews 0 Reviews