For years CAO has produced a massive amount of limited-edition cigars, and it’s an honor to have Odyssey as part of this limited-edition line-up. This handmade premium cigar has a Cuban twist, filled with the best six Cuban seed fillers, Habano seed binder and topped off with a seamless Ecuadorian wrapper. This premium handmade cigar has been aged for five years (allegedly) before being released to the public. The CAO Odyssey Coffee has rich flavors that will keep your palate salivating, with notes of sweet cocoa, roasted nuts, white pepper, aged leather and a host of more flavors as you savor each puff. You just can’t smoke this CAO Odyssey Coffee cigar you must sit and enjoy it the same way as a cup-of Joe, you don’t want to miss out on this good cigar. Available in a bundle of 12 online at