I prefer to go for more affordable cigars as a daily smoke, and I have yet to come across a brand as good as Odyssey Full cigars. This value priced line is the fifth installment to the Odyssey brand, which includes the Connecticut, Sweet Tip, Habano, and Coffee. They are also made by the General Cigar Company, the same folks behind other famous handmade premium brands like Macanudo, Cohiba, Partagas, CAO, and several more. The blend for Odyssey Full consists of a top-quality Nicaraguan Jalapa wrapper over an aged Nicaraguan Habano binder and fillers from Columbia and Nicaragua. With each puff from these treats, I get a top-notch full-bodied smoke brimming with notes of black pepper, leather, wood, cocoa, and caramel. With such delectable flavor and a more than reasonable price point, I will certainly be repeating my purchase to keep a bunch on hand in my humidor. Available in five popular vitolas right here at Cigars.com, order yourself a box of 20 Odyssey Full cigars in your favorite size online today!