These Odyssey cigars have built one of the best reputations in the past couple of years by providing mostly the everyday smokers with a good smoking experience, these are one of the best valued cigars out there. They are on everyone list of must buy, that’s way they sell like crazy, this premium Odyssey Sweet Tip is a brand produced by the famous General Cigar company, the most legendary company in the world handmade premium cigars like Macanudo, Cohiba, La Gloria Cubana, Partagas, Hoyo de Monterrey and Punch. These top-notch cigars are perfectly handmade in beautiful Nicaragua, this Odyssey consist of a fascinating lineup that includes Habano, Maduro, Connecticut, and now this Odyssey Sweet Tip cigar, this one has a little more splash of extra flavor that’s not as sweet and overbearing. This Odyssey Sweet Tip cigar comes draped in a delicious oily, and seamless Nicaraguan Habano wrapper over a Honduran binder, and deeply vintage Cuban-seed long-filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras. With unique flavor from the sweet tip down to the foot, a wise man once said, “I give it 5 stars not because it’s a great cigar but, because of the price, construction and consistence it is a great buy”. So, be the next and get your Odyssey Sweet Tip cigars available online at