Aramas Cigars are the creation of Tim Ozgener, the founder of Ozgener Family Cigars. His father, Cano was a legendary cigarmaker who founded CAO Cigars. Tim and his sister worked side-by-side with their father to grow CAO into an enormously popular, globally recognized brand. To create Aramas cigars Tim worked with another cigar legend Ernesto Perez-Carrillo of EPC and formerly La Gloria Cubana fame. The cigars are handmade at Ernesto’s Tabacalera La Alianza factory in the Dominican Republic using a Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper, an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder, and Nicaraguan, Dominican, and USA Connecticut Broadleaf long fillers . Full bodied, yet exceptionally smooth and well refined, these aged tobaccos provide rich flavors of earth, white pepper, coffee, and cedar, before a long-lasting sweet tobacco finish. With Ernesto Carrillo and Tim Ozgener at the helm, You can count Aramas cigars to become a top-rated modern-day classic! Grab a box from Cigars.Com today, then count on coming back for more.