After reflecting on his heritage and his passion for premium cigars, Tim Ozgener is making his return to cigar making with Bosphorus cigars. Coming from his new venture Ozgener Family Cigars, Bosphorus cigars perfectly encapsulate Ozgener’s goals for his reentrance cigars. Tim Ozgener’s father, Cano Ozgener, was a Turkish immigrant who founded the famous C.A.O. International selling Turkish meerschaum pipes.
Named after the Bosphorus Strait that passes through Istanbul, the capital of Turkey, Bosphorus cigars are a nod to the lands that the Ozgener family once called home. Inside of each box is intricate artwork that depicts various elements related to the Ozgener family’s history, including Mt Ararat and the Statue of Liberty. One look at the box, and I can say that Ozgener Family Cigars knocked it out of the park with Bosphorus.
Distributed by Crowned Heads, Bosphorus cigars are made by hand in the Dominican Republic by the famous E.P. Carrillo and his Tabacalera La Alianza. They are available in four box-pressed sizes and feature a core of finely aged Nicaraguan Esteli, Ometepe, and Jalapa long fillers bunched inside dual Nicaragua Jalapa and Ecuadorian Connecticut dual binders. The finishing touch is a top-quality Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper that is seamlessly applied.
Bosphorus cigars deliver a hearty and complex medium-full bodied smoke to my palate with every puff, effortlessly carrying rich notes of pepper, cedar, earth, floral tones, and tons of tobacco sweetness. With top-notch flavors and construction accompanied by cohesive theming, it was an easy choice to get a box for my humidor. Order yourself a box of 20 Bosphorus cigars online from and see why Ozgener Family Cigars are the talk of the town!