The revamping of an old Cuban brand by the famous JC Newman Cigar Company, Perla del Mar Shade handmade premium cigars are a fusion of Cuban and Connecticut-style flavors. Bearing the nickname of Cuba that translates to “Pearl of the Sea”, these gems provide my palate with a warm and inviting mellow-medium bodied smoke that carries notes of sweet spice, nuts, coffee, leather, and a creamy finish that lasts and has me craving another. These deliciously good flavors come from the top-quality Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf that seamlessly cloaks a core of finely aged Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos, along with an expert box press and top-notch construction thanks to the JC Newman PENSA cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. Not only that, but these gems are also surprisingly affordable so I can stuff my humidor without having to worry about my budget. Get yourself a box of 25 Perla del Mar Shade cigars, available in four sizes, by placing your order online today with