The history of the Plasencia family’s relationship with tobacco runs deep to 1865 Cuba when Don Eduardo Plasencia first planted tobacco seeds. Through a tumultuous second half of the last century that saw the family move from Cuba, to Nicaragua, then to Honduras, and back to Nicaragua due to myriad roadblocks, the family persevered and never wavered in their passion for top-shelf tobaccos and cigars.
Today, the Plasencia family produces well over 30 million cigars per year at four factories, has expansive farms in Honduras and Nicaragua, and launched its own brand in 2015 with fervent anticipation from the cigar community. Plasencia Cigars’ portfolio is composed of blends that use only the choicest tobaccos grown by the family, exemplified by Plasencia Cigars’ incredibly popular Alma Series.
The Alma Series consists of a trio of top-rated brands: Alma Fuerte, Alma del Campo, and Alma del Fuego. For a well-rounded smoking experience that is neither too bold nor underwhelming, I go for an Alma del Campo. This Nicaraguan puro delivers a smooth and exceptionally complex medium-bodied tapestry of roasted nuts, vanilla, coffee, cream, and baking spice.
When I am craving a bit more flavor, I reach for the Alma del Fuego. Translating to “soul of fire” in English, Alma del Fuego is a Nicaraguan puro that highlights leaf from Nicaragua’s fertile island of Ometepe. This unique leaf delivers a heartily rich yet impeccably refined medium-full bodied smoke brimming with notes of leather, dark roasted coffee, peppery spice, earth, and a satisfying tobacco sweetness.
Alma Fuerte, Plasencia Cigars’ first offering in 2015, actually consists of two blends, the original and the Alma Fuerte Colorado Claro, differentiated by the shade of the Nicaraguan Jalapa wrapper worn by each and the more limited nature of the Colorado Claro. The original Alma Fuerte provides me with a bold full-bodied bouquet of chocolate, espresso, caramel, dried fruit, and oak, while the Colorado Claro has a more subdued medium-body with a touch less spice and a bit more nuttiness and creaminess.
To show off just how good Plasencia tobaccos truly are, the Cosecha 146 and Cosecha 149 are both elegant displays of their Honduran tobaccos. Each boasting tobaccos from a single year, specifically the 146th and 149th harvests in Plasencia’s deep history, these gems are among the best smokes that have ever graced my palate.
To keep my humidor filled with top-rated blends from Plasencia Cigars, I place online orders here at to get them shipped fast to my door and at the best prices on the web!