Alma Fuerte Colorado Claro cigars are produced by the famed Plasencia family in Nicaragua, using their extensive collection of the world’s finest estate grown Nicaraguan tobaccos. The cigars are named after the gorgeous clay-red 10-years aged Colorado wrapper that covers this superb Nicaraguan puro blend. Each cigar is expertly rolled at the Plasencia factory in a single cigar offering called, the Alma Fuerte Colorado Claro Hexagon. The unique Hexagon provides a more complex smoking experience as the six-sided shape captures every ounce of the cigars rich flavors while providing an exceptionally slow burn and a nice easy draw. You can expect a well refined, medium-to-full bodied smoke laced with rich, complex flavors of white pepper, roasted nuts, dark roast coffee, and sweet spice. Alma Fuerte Colorado Claro is available here at in eye-catch Hexagon shaped boxes of 10, ready to impress every stogy enthusiast with one of the richest, tastiest, and most skillfully crafted premium cigars on the market.