Pospiech Cigars was founded by two Polish American brothers, Mike and Greg Szczepankewicz, who decided to create their own cigars after successfully selling others out of their Florida retail store. They teamed up with the famous cigar maker Skip Martin of RoMa Craft and Fabrica de Tabacos NicaSueño to come up with their first premium cigar brand: Powstanie. Powstanie cigars feature a rich recipe of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos covered with your choice of a Broadleaf maduro, Habano, or the intriguing barber pole design that encompasses both a light and dark wrapper. These rich medium-full bodied gems are absolutely packed with bold flavors that always leave me satisfied and pleased. In addition to the Powstanie marque, they worked with Mitul Shah and Sean Kremenetski to create Fable Fourth Prime cigars. Fable Fourth Prime cigars draw inspiration from the number 7, the fourth prime number counting up from one. The small, white bands depict a triangular spiral with 7 lines, showing off the top-shelf Pennsylvanian Broadleaf wrapper that covers a hearty Ecuadorian Habano binder and aged long fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. These dusky treats have a deep earthy core, encompassed by rich medium-full bodied notes of sweet chocolate, milky coffee, and fragrant cedar. Along with these top-notch smokes, I’m looking forward to many more high-quality releases from this talented cigar-making duo. Get some Pospiech Cigars for your humidor today by placing your order online with Cigars.com.