Punch Golden Era cigars were made to transport smokers back to Cuba in the late 1800s when the smooth spices and sweet taste of the premium Corojo wrapper reigned supreme. This once coveted tobacco, first grown in Cuba, then abandoned to blue mold disease, has been successfully grown by the Eiroa family for decades on their 650- acre farm in Honduras where all of the tobaccos for Golden Era cigars are grown. The cigars are expertly handcrafted at the Eiroa family’s Fabrica de Puros Aladino factory in Honduras using their collection of estate grown tobaccos that include a dark and oily, Corojo wrapper, a Havana seed Corojo binder, and a combination of Habano and Corojo long fillers. After lighting a Golden Hour, you can expect a medium bodied smoke loaded with rich flavors of earth, leather, roasted nuts , and spice , backed by a unique, signature sweetness that prized Corojo tobaccos provide . A lot has changed since the late 1800s, but Golden Era cigars relive that simpler period in time with a Punch blend that honors its storied Cuban Corojo tobacco roots.