These handmade premium cigars Havana Q are beautiful creation by the famous JC Newman, being the top-selling bundle cigars in the world, due to JC Newman and his dedicated to perfecting the craft of creating a top-quality cigar. The Havana Q cigars are one of the best kept secrets and made under the best highest standards to produce these hidden gems are produced in Nicaragua and hand rolled with Havana-seed wrapper giving you that Cuban taste and flavor notes of bread, pepper, espresso, leather, earthiness, cocoa, cedar, spice and caramel on the backend. Having one of the best valued prices on the market to date, these premium cigars are a good everyday smoke that many cigar aficionados can enjoy, with the good construction, well-balance and is very affordable. These premium handmade cigars are packed is a sealed bundle of 20 and waiting to grace your cigar humidor, available online at