For over twenty years, Rocky Patel has released premium cigar after premium cigar. So, it was no surprise that in celebration of Rocky Patel’s 20th anniversary in the cigar business Rocky Patel released yet another amazing cigar: Rocky Patel 20th Anniversary Fumas cigars. These beauties are encased in either an attractive EMS or maduro Honduran wrapper, bound in delectable Honduran tobacco, and filled with an expert blend of aged tobaccos from Honduras and the Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua. Bursting at the seams with a wide variety of delicious flavors such as roasted peanut, oak, leather, and black pepper, these beauties have an outstanding construction in addition to the wonderful flavors. I never have a bad experience smoking Rocky Patel 20th Anniversary Fumas cigars, so be sure to order a box for an amazing smoke.