Rocky Patel
Rocky Patel has been one of the most prolific cigar-makers in the industry over the past three decades. His cigars are super popular receiving many accolades and have even been ranked in Cigar Aficionado’s annual ‘Top 25’ on many occasions. From his ever-growing portfolio, top-rated cigars including 95-rated Sun Grown Maduro, 95-rated Decade and the 96-rated Rocky Patel Sixty are testament to the wide variety of blends created to suit a variety of palates. More recently according to Rocky, “People were looking for something higher end,” he says. “There’s a strong demand for expensive cigars.” Designed for connoisseurs of premium cigar artistry, once again Rocky's unrelenting conviction, hence the naming convention, to answering the demand of the cigar community is met with an impeccably crafted and premium cigar that will satiate the palates of all cigar enthusiasts. This brings us to Rocky Patel Conviction. Featured is a hearty selection of vintage Nicaraguan leaves sourced from Rocky's very own farms throughout the Condega and Estelí growing regions that were harvested in 2014. Expertly coiled around these fillers are a Nicaraguan binder. This exclusive core is then wrapped in an oily and exquisite Mexican San Andrés wrapper that was carefully aged in terciarios, a Cuban method that involves bundling tobacco tightly in royal palm leaves allowing it to ferment for several years, thus bringing the tobacco to its full potency. The result is a flavorful and robust cigar delivering a lush medium to full bodied smoke. Smokers can expect decadent tasting notes of chocolate, coffee, espresso and honey to engulf tastebuds leaving a lasting impression on the palate. With just 4 artisans hand picked by Patel to roll the limited quantity of 50,000 cigars to ensure consistency, for you this means that you’ll get an exceptional smoke with and even burn and effortless draw. However, it also means that’s if you get your hands on one of the 5,000, 10 count boxes. Conviction comes in one size, a box-pressed Toro measuring 6.5 inches by 52 ring gauge and each cigar is encased in a Tubo likened to a gold bar and housed in an equally luxe wooden box fixed with hinges. In these days, a hundred dollars won't get you much -- you might be able to treat yourself alone to a simple dinner or you and a friend to a matinee, but the options are very limited. So, why not opt for one of the finest and ultra-premium cigar creations ever rolled by Rocky Patel Premium Cigars, declared with this title by the creator himself. At least this way you’re guaranteeing yourself a solid two hours of opulent smoking bliss. Shop for your own very special box of 10 today at an incredible price online at Cigars. But hurry, this one-of-a-kind extravagance is sure to sell quickly, don’t miss out.
- Origin Nicaragua
- Strength Medium Full
- Wrapper-Type San Andrés
- Binder Various
- Filler Various
- Wrapper-Color Medium Brown
- Reviews 0 Reviews