An accomplishment that few of Rocky’s peers from the cigar boom of the 1990s can say they achieved, Rocky Patel Fifteenth Anniversary premium cigars are crafted to celebrate 15 years of Rocky Patel producing top-quality cigars for us eager masses. Many cigar brands were formed during the wild years of the cigar boom, and while most did not survive through the bust that followed, Rocky Patel held strong and grew the brand to the famous household name it is today. I am a long-time fan of Rocky’s top-rated portfolio, and Fifteenth Anniversary fits right in with a core of perfectly aged Nicaraguan long fillers from Esteli, a hearty Nicaraguan Jalapa binder, all completed with a top-shelf Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf. I savor a rich and powerful full-bodied smoke that coats my palate with a vibrant tapestry of peppery spice, earth, cocoa, espresso, toast, and cedar notes that are incredibly complex and well-balanced, earning a permanent spot in my humidor. Available as five popular sizes and packaged in either boxes of 20 or packs of five, order Rocky Patel Fifteenth Anniversary cigars online today from